The modern woman on her wedding day

Be you
— Alli Oughtred- Hello May ad- 2014
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This was my first branding in Hello May, way back when I started

I wrote BeYOU and shared some pictures I had taken at friends weddings. Moments that seemed special as they arose out of the intimacy of the moment. They weren't necesarily 'wedding images"

I loved being involved

More people started to invite me to weddings, parties, celebrations…

I went along, on the day I had no expectations, or no formula, the feminine energy became my muse, free and wild, we worked together, liberating ourselves from the pressure to present ourselves in any particular way. Me as the photographer, and them as the subject. We discovered this together. My greatest teachers became my dear friends

Many adventures later .. from Cenrtal Park, to Thomas Jefferson’s house, to private islands, to Paris…

I love the travel, but more so I love the humans, it’s the intimacy of the invitation.

I can only capture how beautiful I think you are, navigating this crazy world, just trying to find a certain feeling.. an aura

I developed a shorthand...  a wholeness, a realness. As much with myself as with you

People can ask brides to do some pretty strange things on their wedding day, understandable sometimes if they haven’t attended a modern wedding, but if I sense you are uncomfortable, I will step in and re-align the energy. Sometimes I just laugh and everyone follows.


I fell more and more in love with women

People loved the pictures of themselves and their loved ones loving them

I don't need to direct 

My work .. turns out it's called 'reportage'

Feels like documenting 'what is'..holding space

My best friend is doing her PhD thesis on holding space .. when I am not holding a camera, this is where my attention flows

Thank you for listening